Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Places to Go In the Winter With a Toddler

People are always asking me how I am finding things to do with my son all winter long, so I thought I would share a few ideas.  I think most people underestimate the amount of fun and enjoyment a baby or young toddler can have at most places, but it has been our experience that our son LOVES going almost anywhere we would normally go.  My tips for making sure your outing is as fun for everyone as possible is to pack a lot of snacks/food/drinks, stroller, infant carrier an extra outfit for the baby and maybe some smaller toys. 

So here are the places we have gone and what is still on our 'to go' list:

The Aquarium
This is a must with an infant or young toddler! We took our son for the first time around 5 months old and he seemed to really enjoy watching all of the colorful fish swimming around.  He may not have understood what he was looking at but he still had a blast, and slept the entire 2 hours in the car on the way home.  We have taken him to two other aquariums and he has loved them just as much.  The most recent time at 13 months he loved so much he did not want to leave!

Library Story time
Yes, babies can go to the Library.  Most people wouldn't think about taking a baby or toddler to the library but it is the perfect place for them to socialize and learn some new things.  I started taking my son this past Fall right after he turned 1 and he always enjoys it.  A toddler's attention span is short but I have noticed that the more people that come to story time the easier it is for him to sit still.  Our Library does craft time after the story and my son usually participates and learns so much by mimicking the older kids.  Best part? It's free!

Museums/Children's Play Places
Look around your area for any children's museums and play places.  We are lucky to have a few great places not too far from us.  The Bucks County Children's Museum and the Giggleberry Fair are two of our favorites.  We usually bring along a few friends and pack a lunch when we go. Check your local gym or community center to see if they have any toddler play times, we have a toddler time at our local gym.

Indoor Festivals/Seasonal Events
I am always looking for festivals and other seasonal activities to do and found a really fun one this year, Crystal Cabin Fever.  Below are a few pictures of us at the 'festival'.  My son LOVED it, he was pointing at all of the ice sculptures and even got to go down the ice slide on Daddy's lap :)

We had started planning a trip to Great Wolf Lodge (indoor water park, lots of toddler activities) but they sold out before we booked, but we are definitely looking forward to going there next year!
I have a long list of fun things for us to do once the snow finally melts which I will share with you in another post. 

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